Breccia Medicea dell’Acqua Santa

Almost all stories require words in order to be told. Some, very rare ones, can speak for themselves in every language, without the need for an interpreter. The Breccia Medicea dell’Acqua Santa is an exciting material. This marble is able to empathize and resonate with those that surround it. Henge fell in love with its unique expressive ability, as it pours out magical colorations, veritable daughters of nature which seems to revel in its own beauty. The veins are the physical manifestation of its emotions, an authentic, ancient, ancestral language that touches the most intimate chords of the human soul. Artists, craftsmen and designers from every century have tried their hand at channeling this extraordinary power. For Henge, however, such a special subject needs to find its own new narrative space, to make a comeback in all its manifest beauty and its most hidden secrets. Henge’s search for exceptional materials and the brand’s dedication to enhancing their nature has always been a journey toward an objective stylistic truth, putting all things in an iconic and organic balance.
The Breccia Medicea dell’Acqua Santa is precious and infinitely rare. With very limited availability because of its special nature, it is a legendary material destined to last forever in its new form. Henge aims to create new pages of a story, on the cusp between what is real and what is mythical, so the brand collected the stone fruit of this sacred temple of nature’s art. Henge will give a new future and a new story to nine exclusive blocks: the Breccia Medicea dell’Acqua Santa will be the central figure of the new space at Via Spiga 34 in Milan, in a triumphant creation of the Ozone kitchen and the new Alter Ego table. Used by traditional workshops of top Tuscan artisans since the Renaissance, colored marble and polychrome brecce have always been symbols of spiritual beauty and aesthetic power, found in lustrous places of worship as well as in luxury residences. In the contemporary world these materials have been the object of interest for eclectic artists who have turned them into works, installations and pieces that have a magical aura. Henge now explores the potential of these materials as diffusers of dreamlike sensations and timeless beauty for superior interior design pieces. Ozone’s design is perfectly suited to embody the spirit of this stone and bring it to its zenith. Together with the Breccia Medicea dell’Acqua Santa, the kitchen evokes romanticism with a taste of time gone by, as the material holds a precious and transcendental tactile memory.
The hardness and warmth of its colours, and the strength, determination and great respect of those who work with it, are carved into the DNA of Henge’s unique
designer pieces, who become spokespeople for this legendary material that will forever remain one of the most precious and rare fruits of nature and time.
The Breccia Medicea dell’Acqua Santa is precious and infinitely rare. With very limited availability because of its special nature, it is a legendary material destined to last forever in its new form.