Start from scratch

Beirut has always been a magical place, in which ancient culture and social conscience intertwine with the colours of nature, with the sound of a country that keeps going forward regardless of the obstacles.
This year is different compared to the rest; the new world has met a new fear, isolation and social distancing.
Beirut has had to face yet another difficulty. An event, on the 4th of August, that showed once again that mankind is also a source of horror and devastation and has permanently transformed the skyline of the mediterranean city.
But mankind, in this case, is also an important ingredient full of energy and will to start over again.
In this scenario, beauty represents a very important value capable of uniting, captivating and elevating the spirit.
In this scenario, beauty represents a very important value capable of uniting, captivating and elevating the spirit.
The same beauty that binds the Ammar family to Henge, in a relationship that has been going on for 4 years and is renewed today with the development of a new Maison Zen Space for the occasion.
Zeina Ammar represents continuity, the vision of a country that cannot forget, but rather can rebuild, starting from Design, art, craftsmanship and the character of human beings.
Beirut has always been a magical place, in which ancient culture and social conscience intertwine with the colours of nature, with the sound of a country that keeps going forward regardless of the obstacles.